The Workshop
Opening Times - Tuesday & Thursday - 2-6pm
A Breif History
The Access Bike Project did some amazing things in its first couple years and we helped more than a hundred secondary school teens in the area get themselves a bike, with the complete package: lights, lock and a helmet! But before long, the project outgrew its space and also showed a few hiccups, not all the kids we were helping could afford to get their bikes fixed and most didn’t know how to look after them. So we decided we wanted to teach kids to fix bikes themselves and provide a safe, inclusive space where they can have a go using the bike tools and fixing their own bikes. Before long, the Access Bike Workshop was born!
This has become a space where anyone can drop in and learn all things bike. Volunteers will get full access to all our tools and the chance to work alongside a diverse array of people to develop all kinds of bike tech and social skills. Its all about building up everyone's confidence and raising expectations!