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Our Supporters
We think everyone who has donated to the project over the years should be celebrated. Our Supporters Tree is the first thing anyone who comes to the workshop sees and is our way of giving back in thanks for all that we've received in generosity!
Without your help we would never have made it this far and with your continued support we will keep: pushing forward, involving more young people, spreading the ethos of Access Bike and having an awesome time!
£500 donated in memory of Sam by his parents.
£5,000 raised through our crowdfunder
and matched by Santander which kickstarted our
£272 Raised by Annie running a half marathon!
£350 Raised
through the green tokens! Thanks everyone!
Awesome video all about the project - check it out now!
Donated £100 and a sweet projector!
Not to mention educating half our volunteers!
Awesome launch cake, left over pastys and chandelier display!
Awesome local fete that donates their takings to projects like us! - check them out!
Provide funding for our mentor programme - Learn more here!
new workshop!
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